Yesterday at 4:40 PM, Tatsu posted a message on our Discussion Forums without knowing it would be the 1 millionth post! Defenders of the Catholic Faith Message Board has extremely active for many years. Our administrator is Genny who's screen name is Signum Crucis. This board would not be possible without Siggy's dedicated and loyal administration. She has also put together a stellar group of admins to assist her.

We are VERY proud to reach 1,000,000 posts but even more proud of the board members and the results of the board.

We have seen many conversions, many people encouraged and built up in the faith. The Board provides Catholic friends and contacts for many isolated from Catholic communities in other parts of the world.

Homeschoolers encourage each other, men and women support each other in holiness, and apologetics and biblical issues are debated with a passion. But that is not all — you have to VISIT to see all the exciting and helpful forums available.

I sincerely thank all those who make this Message Board possible and I pledge to keep it up, running, orthodox, courteous and fun for as long as I am able — Lord willing!
