EWTN Live wrote to me a while ago asking if I’d come on the live show with Fr. Mitch this Wednesday, August 14 at 8 PM Eastern. I said, “Yes.”

The topic will be my new book “The Papacy: What the Pope Does and Why It Matters.” This is a very pertinent book for our times which I co-wrote with my good friend Deacon Dennis Walters.

The show will be re-aired Thursday at 1:00 AM, Thursday at 9:00 AM and Sunday at 4:00 AM. Hope you can join us!

I will also be recording “Bookmarks” with Doug Keck for a later showing.

Here is a ten-year-old picture of another time I was on the show with Fr. Mitch just after finishing one of our Footprints documentaries. And a picture from the show tonight (added after we finished the live show.)

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