Janet and I voted today – absentee ballots – we’re over 60 years old and away on election day.

We visited Right to Life Voter Guide at election.rtl.org/ballot. Consult them for educated voting.

We proudly voted Pro-life, Conservative, pro-Kavanaugh, pro-business, pro-2nd Amendment, Religious liberty…


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. John

    Our Brothers and Sisters maybe in terrible danger and need much help and prayers to stop what maybe their slaughter.
    Truth is that we cannot call ourselves Christian when we not only vote for Republican policies that turn away these brothers and sisters seeking refuge,but also choose to support them further by ignoring their threats to call in the military in what could surely turn into a bloodbath of innocent Christian men,women and children. Up to 80% of the populations of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are Christian which means that in all likelihood the vast majority of the caravan are our Christian brothers and sisters whom Mr Trump is using veiled threatening language to protect the border! NOBODY in the media frenzy has mentioned that these poor people are in fact mostly Christian. The media have spread lies including the lie that criminals and 'unknown' middle easterns are mixed in among the caravan to justify any later 'collateral damage'.

    I hope and trust that you will add your voice in protest of the impending outrage on these poor Christians and their family's seeking solice in what was once known to all travellers as a fair and Christian land.

    May the Lord Jesus Christ protect and bless them on their terrible fearful journey!



    I moderate my message board and I post comments that I disagree with as long as I have time to comment back and react to them.

    However I’m leading a group of pilgrims to the Mediterranean and I don’t have time to respond back. This whole caravan is a political ploy To disrupt our elections and to have a negative affect on Trump.. These are not poor people who are needing to come to United States there are political operatives paying people to come across to cause trouble. We need to enforce our borders.

    I am actually amazed that people fall for the liberal media’s agenda. It’s sad to see people in our country so gullible that they would fall for something like this and not realize what’s really happening, even Catholics.

    I am not going to argue with you about this but I’m letting you know my stance.

  2. John

    As a Catholic I am stunned at your silence and deletion of my comments in my appeal to you for your support and prayers for the mostly (up to 80%) Christian immigrant caraven. The title here Catholic Defender given the circumstances is obviously false and would be insulting to all Catholics especially those Catholic immigrants in dire need and at risk (if they only knew). I have no doubt that this will be deleted too. Don't worry I will not be bothering you again, but before I go I remind you that Jesus Christ is with them (Matthew 25:31-46) and what they do unto the least of our brothers and sisters, they do unto Him.

    God Bless, guide and protect us all!



    I moderate my message board and I post comments that I disagree with as long as I have time to comment back and react to them.

    However I’m leading a group of pilgrims to the Mediterranean and I don’t have time to respond back. This whole caravan is a political ploy To disrupt our elections and to have a negative affect on Trump.. These are not poor people who are needing to come to United States there are political operatives paying people to come across to cause trouble. We need to enforce our borders.

    That this is missed by someone is quite amazing to me. The mainstream media has done a great job of convincing a lot of people, even Catholics about the whole liberal agenda.

    I am not going to argue with you about this but I’m letting you know my stance.

  3. John

    STEVE RAY HERE: I completely disagree with the comment below but allow it for the sake of discussion.

    I am no less shocked and stunned that you would make these charges. The caravans have been travelling the same route to the border for decades.. since the 1990s and likely earlier, in fact. To say that all of a sudden this caravan was organized to embarrass Mr Trump during elections is to ignore historical facts to suit ones own political agenda. Caravans have been coming for at least four presidential era's including Mr Obamas NOT just Mr Trumps (check it out). Were these immigrant caravans all paid by political operatives? Did anybody even suggest that they were paid… until just now!?

    Also, to use the excuse that we need to protect our borders in the context of what we all know is a mostly Christian caravan, is to ignore the word of God to welcome and give comfort to our Christian brothers and sisters in their plight. Nowhere in our Holy bible that I have ever seen does the word of God say: '..turn your needy brothers and sisters away they may be political operatives, protect your borders first!..' It's say the exact opposite in Matthew 25:31-46 with a very clear warning of what the consequences will be for those that do not aid and comfort a stranger. I have no political agendas right, left or centre, only what Matthew has instructed us to do.

    Perhaps some day hundreds of years from now or sooner, some Christian will lead a pilgrimage along the route of these poor Christians with stories of their suffering and martydom to the everlasting shame of those Christians who seek to spread only political gossip along their favoured party lines.

    I do not wish to argue neither but we are called to correct our brothers and sisters errors are we not?
    I've said my piece and done my duty to God's Word and will leave you alone to think on all of the above.
    Enjoy your pilgrimage, I pray for a safe journey for everybody involved.

    Good luck for now and God Bless.

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