Wednesday is General Audience Day with the Pope in St. Peter’s Square — and we were there! For most in our group it is the first time in Rome — and the first time to see and hear the Pope in person.
After this wonderful experience — and after receiving his blessing, we scattered for lunch. I did a radio interview with Relevant Radio.
Liz Lev then led us on a tour of Christian Rome along with me, though I had her do most of the talking since she is an excited, orthodox, passionate “Catholic encyclopedia.” You will hear and see more of her tomorrow.
We visited St. Mary Major Church, St. John Lateran and then St. Paul Outside the Walls where we had Mass at the tomb of St. Paul.
Stay tuned for the delicious dinner on the Via Appia near the catacombs. I will upload that video as soon as I get time. Sorry I am a bit behind but the days have been packed!
Second video below is our Farewell Dinner to the 50 pilgrims who were heading home — not taking the Rome Extension. It was a blast!
