Cardinal Sin, "People Power" force in Philippines, dead at 77


Manila, Jun. 21 ( – Cardinal Jaime Sin, the retired Archbishop of Manila who was a principal figure in the "People Power" movement that forced President Ferdinand Marcos out of power in 1986, has died at the age of 77.

Cardinal Sin, whose severe kidney ailment prevented him from attending the funeral of Pope John Paul II (bionews) or the conclave that those Pope Benedict XVI (bionews), died early in the morning of June 21 at a hospital in Manila.

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Steve's Note: Janet and I had the pleasure of meeting Cardinal Sin in Manila on one of our apologetics trips to the Philippines. As we entered the door he said, “Welcome to the House of Sin!” He had a lot of fun with his last name. He also said, “You are shaking the hand of a man who brought two presidents down.“ He was quite sick when we were there but I considered it a great honor to meet him. May God grant him eternal rest.
