Today we walked in the footprints of the Patriarchs and Prophets, Jesus and the Apostolic Fathers.
Janet and I went through all the Israeli checkpoints and security into Nablus today with our new friend Fr. Vincent Nagel, parish priest in Nablus and personal secretary of the Patriarch of Jerusalem. He is also a convert!
We again visited the biblical sites, especially the Well of Jacob where Jesus took a drink from the Samaritan woman in John 4. While at the well we did an interview with Teresa Tomeo on Ave Maria Radio (  I also gave a talk to the Sisters of Charity (Mother Teresa’s nuns) working with the poor and ill in Nablus. These sisters (pictures and videos coming soon) were absolutely heroic! I told them my conversion story (1.5 hours) and then had Mass followed by lunch. We LOVED these amazing sisters — small in size and stature but huge in charity and joy!
We then hosted Deacon John Kaissieh and his wife from Bethlehem for dinner in Jerusalem. It was her first time out of Bethlehem in over three years. They acquired tickets for our group to attend the Papal Mass in Bethlehem next Wednesday. We had a great evening talking about Our Lord, the Pope’s visit, the situation in Israel and good food and wine!
