Visit My Daughter's "Finding Baby Sorrill" Blog – She's a Great Girl, Let her know you will pray for her and Wes

It is painful to want a baby and a baby does not come. Years of longing and trying and praying and …

Well, my daughter Charlotte has put her sorrow in the hands of God and now plans to adopt and rescue a baby who needs a loving home. Her sorrow has turned to joy, anticipation and excitement.

With her Army medic husband, soon-to-be doctor Wesley they have embarked on this long, tedious and expensive journey to find a baby with God’s help — and hopefully yours.

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Charlotte was born to us under extreme duress. She was a preemie weighing only 3 lbs. 9 oz. and was a fighter from Day One – she had to be to survive those first months.

She is still a fighter and now fighting to find a baby who needs a home with loving parents who will raise him or her in the heart of the Catholic Church. 

Please visit Finding Baby Sorrill, leave a message to let her know you will pray for her — and if you can add a few bucks to help them raise the money needed to adopt their baby. Thanks.

From a Dad who loves his daughter, THANKS!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    Know that this soul will be raised a great Catholic!!

  2. Veronica Tranlong

    finding baby sorrill website link doesn’t go to the website.
    Praying for Wes and Charlotte and baby.
    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks. I fixed the link. It is

  3. Jim Anderson

    Steve, has Charlotte and Wes considered checking with Dr. Hilgers in Omaha?
    Pope Paul VI Institute. Did wonders for one of my step-daughters!!!
    Prayers for them.
    STEVE RAY HERE: Jim, not sure but I will quickly pass your info to her. Thanks.

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