We started the day with a 4:30 AM wake-up call. Too early? None of our pilgrims thought so since we could enjoy the Way of Sorrows, the Stations of the Cross, without crowds that swell the streets of Jerusalem these days.
We prayed the Stations of the Cross into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where we all touched the top of Calvary. Had we touched it 2,000 years ago our hands would be sticky with His Blood.
Then we toured the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and got our benches for Mass in front of the Tomb of Christ. This is a very special honor and very few people get the privilege of this Mass. Fr. Tom and Fr. Ambrose did a great job.
Then we walked back to Notre Dame’s Vatican Hotel for breakfast and to freshen up. Then to the Western Wall and the Church of the Visitation.
After that we gave everyone the afternoon and evening free to go back and visit the Tomb, shop, rest, take walks, and more. I took three pilgrims on a run around the Walls of Jerusalem.
Tomorrow is a busy day exploring the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion. We will have Mass at Gethsemane.

Pilgrims run with me around the Walls of Jerusalem.
