It addresses two problematic tendencies in the modern world that relate to the heresies of Gnosticism and Pelagianism.
Jimmy Akin has written an excellent summary of the document entitled: New Vatican Document on Salvation: Top Ten Things to Know. It starts out,
“1) Why was the document released?
On March 1, the prefect and secretary of the CDF—Archbishops Luis Ladaria and Giacomo Morandi—held a press conference in which they announced the new document.
The document can be read online here.
Archbishop Ladaria explained that the document arose after some theologians asked the Congregation to further examine themes discussed in its earlier document on salvation, Dominus Iesus (2000).
This document proved controversial because it explained the Church’s faith in Jesus Christ as the unique Savior of mankind, which some took as a slight to non-Christian religions.
The new document—Placuit Deo (Latin, “It has pleased God”)—reaffirms Christian teaching on Jesus as “the only Savior of the whole human person and of all humanity” (n. 2), but it does not dwell on the issue.
Instead, it focuses on two problematic tendencies in modern society that Pope Francis has called attention to, comparing them to the ancient heresies of Pelagianism and Gnosticism.
2) What is Pelagianism?
Pelagianism was a heresy which minimized or denied the need for God’s grace in avoiding sin and achieving salvation.
It is named after Pelagius, a monk from the British Isles who lived in the 300s and 400s.
Pelagianism was fought by St. Augustine and others, and it was condemned at a variety of councils.
The new document, Placuit Deo, explains:
According to the Pelagian heresy, developed during the fifth century around Pelagius, the man, in order to fulfil the commandments of God and to be saved, needs grace only as an external help to his freedom (like light, for example, [or] power), not like a radical healing and regeneration of the freedom, without prior merit, until he can do good and reach the eternal life (fn. 9).
3) What is Gnosticism?
Gnosticism was a heresy that arose in the second and third century. It took many different forms.
Gnostics claimed to have special knowledge about the nature of the world and an alleged hierarchy of divine, celestial beings.
They commonly saw the material world as evil, being produced by an inferior divine power who was identified with the God of the Old Testament.
Salvation consisted in liberation from the flesh by embracing the gnostic message….”
For the whole article, click HERE.
This Post Has One Comment
Ackler Says: March 8th, 2018 at 12:16 am Bryan, I couldn’t agree more. Progressivism is a religion and it certainly exhibits certain Gnostic (dualistic) elements. The Leftist alliance is of course a death cult. Some people like me have been repeating that since 2007. So many people kept telling me that I need to out argue, out fact, and out debate Leftists. That was entirely pointless, as it was in OIF. These traitors aren”t going to repent any time soon until they get destroyed first. As for Gnosticism: that is more anti authoritarian and anti Hebrew, anti Christian. It”s basically one of the earliest forms of Liberation Theology. To liberate yourself from the rules of Hebrew/Christian views, to liberate yourself from capitalistic oppression, you must do.. Gnostic gospels purport to be from John, an apostle. It”s most likely Lucifer version of his time capsule. I am familiar with the key precepts and it is quite powerful against the ruling Divine Counsel paradigm. If it was that powerful against me, it would be even more effective against normal people.
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