I POSTED THIS TWO YEARS AGO. We had made New Year’s resolutions on January 1, 2009 to get healthy and stay fit. By the grace of God and the encouragement of family we did it!

So, to encourage others, I decided to re-post my original blog. We need to be serious about God’s gift to us —  our bodies and our health.

Janet and I have maintained our weight loss, changed our lifestyle and continued exercising together.  Our bodies will demand our attention sooner or later — we take care of them now or we have a heart attack or stroke and either die or are forced to pay attention to our body then.

I chose to take my health seriously now, before my body forces me to take it seriously later under much more difficult circumstances.


A few months ago I posted my weigh loss goals, our progress, and how we were doing it. I provided a colorful SuperFoods Chart and a book that had helped us greatly with the right kind of great foods to eat for health.

So here is an update. I have finally reached my goal of 155 pounds! I started the year at 183 and was sluggish with high blood pressure, high glucose and high cholestorel. Now I feel like a kid again with loads of energy and all my stats are normal — and achieved naturally, not with drugs.

Janet and I are exercising (along with our son Jesse too). She rides a bike and I run on the treadmill. We always do it together while watching movies in our little gym we set up at home. Jesse and I run together outside too (see the picture 🙂

I had a great time on our last trip to the Holy Land since I took off in the morning every other day and ran through Jericho, out into the Judean Wilderness, around the Old City Walls of Jerusalem, through the gates to the Western Wall, to Capernaum and back from Tabgha, and more. It was great fun, very healthy and a good way to see the country.

I encourage others to do what we’ve done. You will thank me later. Start out slow, set some goals, use www.LiveStrong.com, and eat less but only good foods. My son said yesterday “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!”

I have updated the SuperFoods Chart. Check out the website www.SuperFoodsRx.com. God gave us the gift of life and health and we can do a lot more with it if we control ourselves and live healthy.

Funny thing, some people have seen my weigh loss and looked very concerned. They asked, “Did you get sick?” “Heck yes,” I said, “Sick of being 30 pounds over weight and tired all the time!”


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Maria

    That’s awesome! Congratulations!!!! You look great.

  2. Pam

    Way to go Steve! Today, I started a “Biggest Loser” contest at work. I always wondered if there was a weight loss “system/plan” that connects spiritual growth with weight loss. In my life, I feel that my “love” of food has held me back in my spiritual growth. If you know of any, please e-mail me. Thanks for the two links. I think I will be taking the “DARE”.

    Please keep me in your prayers!

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