I am sorry I have not been able to update my blog with videos and pictures to date. Here is an update.
First Day, Thursday 5th: We were all tired. We visited Corinth, had an outdoor Mass at the Bema where Paul was judged. A little rain in the morning but during the Mass the sun popped out and it was sunny the rest of the day.
Second Day, Friday 6th: We toured Athen with the highlight being Mars Hill where Paul gave an explanation and defense of Christianity (Acts 17). Everyone did great. We all split up for 2 hours so the pilgrims could shop, eat and enjoy the Greek city. In the evening I gave my talk on the Life of St. Peter.
Day Three, Saturday 7th: Over night we voyaged over the Aegean Sea to Kusidasi. From their we drove up to Ephesus to have Mass at Mary’s House and then we toured the ancient city of Ephesus. It was raining but that was to our advantace since no one else was there. I preached from the orchestra pit of the 24,000 seat Roman theatre. We had lunch at a rug factory where everyone was able to watch the making of Turkish rugs. Back to the ship for a “Captain’s Party” and then to dinner.
Tomorrow: We are now sailing east and will port in Antalya fromwhich we will visit Perga where Paul arrived on his first missionary journey. We are also going to take our group to a Mosque as a means of educating ourselves on Islam.
On Friday night the winds were strong, the waves very high and the ship was rocking and swaying in the winds. A good number of our people got seasick but EVERYONE was on the ship and in good spirits Saturday morning. I had no time to make and upload videos n Friday, was unable to work on the videos due to the enormous waves and rocking of the ship. Tonight we had a meeting with the captain adn a formal dinner which has AGAIN put me behind. I will try to catch up on Sunday.
Everyone is doing VERY well. Not one complaint about anything. The ship is great, the local guides my friend and very good. Everyone is enjoying the variety of foods and experiences.
With no internet I have to within my limited means. But all friends and relatives checking this blog daily — your family and friends on this cruise are all well and having a great time.
Stay tuned!
