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Yesterday I did two talks on my conversion and defending the faith the Cathedral here in Guam. We then went to a fiesta on the north end of the island. The Mass was in a small village and celebrated by Archbishop Apuron in the indigenous Chamorro language in a little outpost chapel dedicated to St. Bernadette. It was her feast day and we processed around the village with a statue of Barnadette.

After that was a feast you had to see to believe. All the seminarians were there and they were from about 1-0 different countries. We just love the universality of the Church.

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Janet had a bit of bleeding yesterday so we called the doctor who said it was not unusually in the first months of pregnancy, but recommended Janet rest more than usual. So Janet stayed in bed for the morning and joined me in the afternoon.

Today there is an Island-wide gathering at the fieldhouse at which Janet and I will both speak. The governor will be there. Then there will be a  Mass and another feast.

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Monday morning (Sunday in the USA) I have two radio shows, and then a talk to all the combined Catholic highschool students on the island. After than Janet and I take our car and tour the island before I give a talk on Mary in the evening.

On Tuesday morning we meet with the Archbishop and his staff to make plans for continued apologetic work on Guam and then we catch the plane back for a day in Tokyo. We arrive home Wednesday afternoon — maybe to find out we have a new pope! Keep us in your prayers.
