No one goes “down” to Jerusalem, even when traveling south from Galilee to the Holy City. In biblical terms God dwells in Jerusalem and therefore it is the highest place on earth. You always go UP to Jerusalem. It is used over 20 times in the bible
Today we started with a visit to Tabgha where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish — and it WAS a miracle, not simply an act of sharing as taught by a few 60’s kind of homilists. Then we went to Capernaum where I gave my talk “Defending the Eucharist” before we had Mass on the shore of Galilee with a young man named Pearce having his first communion.
Then we boarded a boat for a ride on Galilee while Amer and I shared information and teaching about the Sea. Then we saw the Ancient Jesus Boat from the first century. After a delicious lunch of St. Peter’s Fish we headed south — UP to Jerusalem.
We arrived at 4:30 and went straight to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for a very special and exclusive Legatus Solemn Entrance escorted by the Franciscans — with organ blasting and beautiful chanting and singing in Latin. We were greeted by the Superior of the Franciscans and welcomed to Jerusalem in FRONT of the tomb.
After that we all entered the tomb to touch the place where Jesus was buried. We ended the day with a nice dinner at our Dan Panorama Hotel near the Old City. All are now asleep and ready for the 5:15 departure for the Via Dolorosa and Mass at the Tomb of Christ.
