Every once in a while I meet a group of marvelous Catholics who have made it a priority in their lives to learn more aboiut and to fall in love with Jesus and His Church. This is the calling of ALL Catholics and many us follow that call, but too often Catholics grow lethargic or take their faith for granted. It is not just Catholics who do this, by the way, it is also rampant in Protestantism.

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But on Wednesday evening a group of thoroughly Catholic Catholics rang my doorbell. They didn't just drop in on us, but had arranged the visit in advance. They were all from St. Andrews Parish in Rochester Hills Michigan. They are a Bible Study group there and had watched some of my videos/DVDs and wanted to meet me.

They drove up with arms full of good food, wine and gifts. But I was most impressed with the warm smiles, eager eyes, and the aura of people full of joy, wonderment, and faith. We pulled all the couches and chairs together in our basement and began to talk. They were full of great questions, insightful comments and intelligence. They were a marvelous group. I pray for the day when every parish in the United States is overflowing with such believers.

About four hours later — which flew by in a matter of minutes — we took this picture and they loaded back up into their vehicles and drove off into the night. But their presence brought great joy and encouragement to Janet and I — and their faith brings great joy and rejoicing in heaven. God bless the St. Andrew Parish Bible Study group. Thanks to Becky for arranging the meeting and to Sal for teaching the Bible Study group.

Oh, and thanks for the gift certificates. My wife and I will bless you all and pray for you as we enjoy several quite dinners together 🙂
