I was on two radio shows Monday
Relevant Radio’s Searching the Word: How to Start a Parish Bible Study
1:00-2:00 PM Eastern time
Catholic Answers Live: Developing Your Spiritual Life
7:00-8:00 PM Eastern
Questions I answered on Catholic Answers Live:

1. There are so many devotions and spiritualities available. How do I know which ones I should practice?
2. Are the beginning chapters of Genesis to be taken literally or are they mythical?
3. I stopped going to adoration at my church because people prayed the Rosary so fast it seemed to be without meaning. How should we pray the Rosary?
4. I was told that sacraments are physical and spiritual. Can you explain how sacraments do more than represent things?
5. How can I decide if I need a spiritual director, and if so, how does one choose a spiritual director?
6. Lent is coming up and we are having tough times in America right now. How can I prepare for Lent to best improve my spiritual life and relationship with God?
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