One: I will join Chuck Neff on Searching the Word on Relevant Radio at 1 PM Eastern to discuss the Pope and the where you can find THAT in the Bible. Learn more at

To see images of some of the places we will discuss, visit my photo page (look for Israel: Caesarea Philippi) and my Virtual Pilgrimage videos especially here and view Day Three.

(Pictures: From Caesarea Philippi in Israel where Jesus said, "You are Peter (Rock) and on this rock I will build my Church.")

For my book on Peter and the Primacy of Rome, click here. For my DVD Peter, Keeper of the Keys, click here.

Two: I will also be pre-recording a radio show with Marcus Grodi on "Deep in Scripture" with the topic: "Verses I Never Saw in the Bible as a Baptist." It will be aired on one of the next three Wednesday afternoons at 2:00-3:00 PM Eastern time.
