Two of our most popular trips just opened: 1) Jordan & Israel, 2) Holy Land Part 2

These two are always favorites and fill up fast. We have 7 pilgrimages to the Holy Land in 2024. Five are our regular itinerary BUT these two are different.

First, Jordan & Israel. We start out in Amman and see all the biblical sites of Jordan including Petra. They we cross over the Sheik Hussain bridge into Israel for the full Holy Land pilgrimage. Check out our interactive map, itinerary and brochure here:

Second, we offer Holy Land, Part 2 every three years. On this trip we see ALL NEW SITES. There is so much to see and do in the Holy Land that we will in many more biblical dots with the amazing trip that is one day longer than Holy Land 1. Check out our interactive map, itinerary and map here:

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