Since we are in Jerusalem, I thought I would share two of our favorite Jewish movies.

Recently watched “Everything is Illuminated” again. It is funny and profound about a young man (Elijah Wood – Frodo in “Lord of the Rings”) who discovers his Jewish past after Nazi fascists occupied Ukraine. It is one of my favorite movies. There are a few distasteful scenes but overall a very funny and worthwhile movie.

Another of our favorite movies is ” Ushpizin” a modern day Abraham and Sarah story set in modern Jerusalem, a quarter mile from our favorite hotel near the New Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. I run through this area of religious Jews. i LOVE the way the movies portrays their relationship with God.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Clare

    Thank you! I love getting recommendations like this.
    I know nothing about films and rarely watch TV, but I’ve recently joined LoveFilm in an effort to catch up with some of the really good stuff that I’m told is out there.
    I also love most things Jewish, so I’ve added these two to my wishlist.
    STEVE RAY HERE: Clare, thanks for your kind words. I have a page dedicated to the Ray family favorite movies. I think you will find it helpful. Visit it at

  2. Maria

    I saw “Ushpizin” quite a while ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like an occasional film with a Jewish flavor or perspective, you may also enjoy “The Quarrel,” or “Kadosh” (although I don’t recommend “Kadosh” for the youngsters).

  3. Maria

    Another one you may get a kick out of is a short film, quite humorous, called “West Bank Story.” It’s the Israeli-Palestinian version of “West Side Story.”

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