Trying to Figure out the Pope and his Visit to the USA? What does being a Jesuit have to do with it? (Link Fixed)

Sorry the link did not work. Here is the correct link to the interview

Right before he left New York for Philadelphia, “First Things” editor R. R. Reno discussed the Pope as a “disrupter” and discusses his visit to the USA. I found particularly interesting the section about how being a Jesuit has shaped Pope Francis and explains much of his often maddening words and actions.

I think you will enjoy the article and hopefully it will shed a bit of light.

Sean Salai, S.J. | Sep 26 2015 – 9:12am 

Russell Ronald “R.R.” Reno is a Catholic theologian who serves as editor of First Things, an ecumenical Christian journal based in New York City. Before assuming this position, he taught theology at Creighton University from 1990 to 2010, during which time he converted from Episcopalian to Catholic in 2004. Professor Reno holds a Ph.D from Yale University and a B.A. from Haverford College.


“I don’t think it’s come out very strongly in this visit. I think one feature of his papacy is rhetorical extremism; his gestures, like not living in the papal palace, are extreme. I don’t associate poverty with the Society of Jesus anymore, but I do associate extremism—a certain pushing of one’s charism to the limit—with it.

And I do see that very strongly in this papacy. I think that’s one reason it has a kind of force to it. Also, the extremism is sometimes dangerous and unworkable. Jesuits go notoriously to the line and sometimes over it. 

“I think we see this experimental quality in Francis. A lot of the things he says and does are kind of about testing limits. That’s so Society of Jesus.

When he was first elected, I knew nothing about his reputation, but I knew he was a Jesuit and one of my friends asked: “What do you think?” I said: “Strap on your seatbelt.” And my friend asked: “Why?” I said: “Because he’s a Jesuit.” That extremism is a strength and a weakness of the Society. And I think his papacy has great strength, but also great weaknesses.”



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