Clever bumper sticker I thought of this morning. Not that I have decided to vote for Trump, but he is interesting in this debate. What do you think?


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  1. Whit

    He is interesting in this situation and I love the way he is in Obama’s face w. the birther stuff. I don’ t know where the O was born but then we don’t know anything about him because he has spent millions of dollars keeping his actual bakground documentation hidden and unavailable.

    But agains as to Trump. He has declared his conservatism as it seems to be the way to win. but ha has backed any number of liberal pols and activities, etc in the past. I don’t trust him at all. In fact, I don’t even like him and have never seen any of his tv progs because I have no respect for him.

    But again, in this matter, he is giving it to the O and I am enjoying that.

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