Don’t know that I’ve ever heard a better speech. This should be heard by every single graduating student this year. If you have young people I would make some popcorn and sit down and watch this together.

Yeah, he read the speech and he bumbles it at times – but wow! What a moving, inspiring and thoroughly Catholic speech.

I love the line where he says, “I am decidedly and unabashedly Catholic!” You’ll say the same thing after listening to his powerful words of age and experience and wisdom.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jennifer Wycoff

    Such a wonderful speech, I have listen 3 times and shared with many. I am so appreciative of this pure and beautiful truth, from a man with such life experience. -Thank you for giving this gift to the youth and all.

    Many thanks and Blessings to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

    Strength & Courage + JM&J

    Jennifer Wycoff
    League City, TX

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