We’ve been reading aloud Where the Red Fern Grows to the grandkids.

I remember reading it to my own kids. We always write in the cover of the book, date it and sign it.

We all had tears in our eyes through the last two chapters, just like I did 20 years ago too.

But we all had a great time cuddling in front of the fire each evening and reading aloud together. Now we will begin another book by Wilson Rawls entitled Summer of the Monkeys.

After reading they all went to bed because they all got up with mom and dad (my son Jesse) at 3:30 AM to go to adoration. Our parish has a 24 hours Perpetual Adoration Chapel.

After hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament they all had breakfast and jumped back in bed until 10 AM. It is great being a family especially at Christmas.

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Reading Where the Red Fern Grows