To the Cross with Jesus: Via Dolorosa, Mass at Calvary, Visit the Tomb, Western Wall, Dinner on the Roof

We walked out the door of the hotel at 3:30 AM and we carried our crosses along that Via Dolorosa. We all touched the top of Calvary before we had Mass where Jesus hung bleeding for our sins. It’s a good thing we started early this morning because by 5:00 AM the church was already packed!

We took a tour of the Holy Sepulchre, came back for breakfast, did a very nice tour of the Holy Shroud Exhibit, and then to the Western Wall. Lunch at Rossini’s and a free afternoon and a visit to the Tomb of Jesus. We had a great dinner on the roof of Notre Dame looking out over the city. Enjoy a great day with us!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    3:30 AM???? Now that is a record. The last time I went it was 4:45 AM. Still I know that the early rise is worth it. God bless all for the sacrifice. Offer the missed sleep as reparations for the poor souls in Purgatory!

    STEVE RAY HERE: The only Mass we could get was 5 AM and the Church was already packed by 5:15.

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