Not sure where “toot your own horn” came from but it’s not what I’m doing. I usually don’t tell anyone when I do such things but sometimes a good action done by one, inspires others. I truly believe these crazy ideas pop into my head because of my father’s daily examples (God rest his soul).

Today at Mass a devout black woman sat in front of us with her disinterested teenage daughter.  I found myself praying for them as the Mass progressed. 

I had an idea but I struggled with it. Is it a good idea? Will it be received wrongly? Will I be perceived as arrogant or condescending? Well, I said, I think it is from the Lord and if not, oh well…

I pulled a “Donation Envelope” from the hymnal rack in front of me and wrote on it, “You have a good mother. Use this to do something nice for her. God bless you both!”

I stuffed $30 into the envelop and waited…

…as we completed the last hymn, mother and daughter stepped out of their pew. I touched the girl’s shoulder and said, “This is for you.” She was startled, gave a nervous giggle, smiled and left. I said to her mom, “God bless you!”

I have no idea if it was a good idea or not; if she will love her mom more or be more interested in the Lord. 

But I felt darn good all the way home. I remembered Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35). I believe it — and hope you will too. 


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    Always looking for ways to Evangelize! Something this simple but bold may change a life. It certainly cannot hurt. Worst case scenario, you are out $30, best case, a person involved in family and faith.

  2. George

    Steve, great witnessing and I do love the ideal.
    Sydney, Australia.

  3. Rick

    Amen Steve! Relentless pursuit of the truth brother!

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