Update for family & friends: All the pilgrims are on the plane heading for home after a very successful pilgrimage. They all hugged us so tight I thought our ribs would break!
Sorry for the delay getting the videos uploaded — internet issues. It is not quite like in the USA.
Our group had a real treat last evening! We rented a conference room and IMMACULEE ILIBAGZI shared her thoughts on Mary and our pilgrimage. Everyone was very moved!
Then JIM CAVIEZEL — who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s PASSION OF THE CHRIST — told us his experiences playing Christ and his impressions of visiting the Holy Land for the first time. (Actually, it was a great pleasure for me to “show Jesus” where he carried his cross.) I think all the pilgrims enjoyed meeting Jim Caviezel in Jerusalem.
On the last day we all floated in the Dead Sea. A man from a Spanish-speaking group nearly drowned. He was purple and no one knew what to do. His heart and breathing had stopped. We had thee medical personnel in our group. I made a phone call and they came running. With blood everywhere Darby and Drs. Sam and Mark ran over and SAVED the man’s life. They were real heroes!
More soon after my talk in Rome on Friday morning.
