The Truth That Dare Not Speak Its Name — Catholic Teachings on Homosexuality? Archbishop Chaput on Catholics Living in a Gay Culture

This is the hot-button issue of our times and the one most likely to bring persecution to Christians in America. It is not enough that you “approve” of the gay agenda, you have to celebrate it or you will be considered a bigot. In response, most Christians just remain silent or slide along with the crowd. Not me, not Archbishop Chaput, not the Catechism and certainly not rational, informed Americans.

Here is a review in National Catholic Register from awhile ago, but it is an excellent primer on what we are facing with the onslaught of the homosexual agenda and LGBQ. We are Catholics should be prepared to discuss this topic intelligently and compassionately.

PHILADELPHIA — National Catholic Register
Failure to celebrate homosexuality has become a 21st-century “hate crime,” in the view of many in contemporary America; and, consequently, even faithful Catholics have become wary of articulating settled Church teachings about the controversial issue.

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But Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, where the World Meeting of Families will be held in September, says Church leaders and other faithful Catholics who shy away from proclaiming or defending Church teaching on this subject out of fear or discomfort are making a big mistake.

“We too easily confuse feelings of compassion and tolerance — which are often worthy in themselves — for the real virtue of charity, which is always anchored in truth.”

As anyone who has tried to defend or explain Catholic teaching on homosexuality knows, the climate for conversation is fraught with misunderstanding and misconceptions.

The mere mention of the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s characterization of homosexual acts as “intrinsically disordered,” for example, is likely to be branded as “hate speech” or, at the very least, as incompatible with a loving Church.

The full context of the Catechism’s passages, which call for “respect, compassion and sensitivity” toward those with same-sex attraction, is easily lost on those whose views have been shaped by a media and homosexual-rights movement that cast the Church as mean and uncaring.  

In San Francisco, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has come under fire for his defense of Church teaching on same-sex “marriage” and other questions, most recently in an open letter to Pope Francis published as a full-page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle April 16. The letter asks the Pope to remove the archbishop and “provide us with a leader true to our values and your namesake.”

Meanwhile, some Catholics, including priests and bishops, have distanced themselves from Church teaching on homosexuality or avoided the topic altogether.

In one such case, when a Catholic school teacher in the Diocese of Metuchen, N.J., was put on administrative leave for posting allegedly “anti-gay” comments on her Facebook page, Bishop Paul Bootkoski declined to answer a question from CNS News asking if he agreed with the Catechism’s teaching on homosexuality. He merely said in a statement, “We have never wavered from our traditional Catholic teachings.”

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. govardhan chintapalli

    I read quite many articles by steve ray on very many issues. I agree with steve and most specially with the Catholic Church. By all means the Church needs to defend the Natural Law. The book of Proverbs says, “All deeds are right in the sight of the doer,but the Lord weighs the heart”(21:2). The reason that we neglect the moral law is that we do not believe in God and we want to do what we want. But this is not right.

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