Today was a great day in Northern Galilee and it all centered on Peter. But first we had Mass at the Beatitudes and Deacon Thaddeus did a marvelous job with his homily. You can hear his whole homily in the second video below.

Then we went up to the Lebanese border and visited Caesarea Philippi which is today known as Banias. There I gave my very fun talk on Peter, the rock, the keys and the chair. We climbed around on the rocks and saw it all with her own eyes. This is where Jesus told Peter his name was Rock and gave him the keys of his kingdom.

We also drove past the Syrian border and looked over into the areas where ISIS is raping and killing Christians. There was no danger because they could never come to Israel but we all stopped and prayed the Divine Mercy for the suffering Christians across the border.

You can see all the other things we did and the fun we had and the things we learned by watching the videos below. Enjoy!

Our Day in Galilee and along the Lebanese and Syrian Border

Deacon Thaddeus’ Homily at the Mount of Beatitudes


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Judy & Harold McKinney

    Marge & Mary Ann,
    We are happy that you are having the opportunity to experience the Holy Land. It is amazing to be able to visit the holy sites, and walk in the footsteps of God and Our Lady! Hope you and all the pilgrims enjoy the remainder of your pilgrimage. God bless!

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