The Church is a Kingdom, not a Democracy

"Whenever Church leaders gather to discuss Catholic doctrine, there are some reporters who expect major changes. They themselves are so thoroughly persuaded that Church teachings should change, they always seem surprised when Catholic leaders think otherwise.

"Well, this week, in the US and at the Vatican, Catholic leaders thought otherwise. So earlier this week the US bishops reaffirmed Church teaching on contraception, the worthy reception of the Eucharist, and the grave immorality of homosexual acts. And at the Vatican today, the heads of the Roma Curia agreed on the value of priestly celibacy.

"Regular CWN readers, I trust, will not be surprised by today's news from Rome. The Pope was seeking advice on how best to respond to those who challenge the celibacy requirement; there was never any likelihood that he would respond by lifting that requirement."

More more on the recent discussion of priestly celibacy, click on Zenit here.
