Believe it or not but there is a Protestant “Gospel Tract” out there that says the Eucharist is a “death cookie” that was the result of conspiring between the Devil and the Pope to deceive and send Catholics to hell.
It is a Chick tract. I am embarrassed to say that I used to hand these tracts out when I was a teenager (blushing with shame).
Recently, Jonathan Harcher, pastor of Conner Heights Baptist Church in Pigeon Forge Tennessee was handing out Chick tracts at the Pigeon Forge High School in the diocese of Knoxville.
Despite admitting he knew little about the Catholic Faith, Hatcher felt confident that publisher Chick Publications was spreading the gospel.
You can read the article about how the good bishop of Knoxville TN — Bishop Richard Stika — confronted the situation with disgust and public criticism — and rightfully so!
To read the whole stupid Chick tract (for a good laugh), click here. You can read more about Chick and his uninformed and inflammatory tracts here.
Funny thing! I am currently in Tennessee talking about the EUCHARIST this weekend. Wish I had time to visit “Pastor” Harcher” — now famous for his ignorance and bigotry.
