The Last Nightmare
A Short and Terrifying Story by Steve Ray
Though his first thoughts were garbled and dreamlike, they slowly began taking shape, like a tree seen through a thick fog, slowly it all came back to him out of the swirling, traveling, blank void. Utter confusion was giving way to bits of clarity.
They had rushed him to the hospital. He remembered the sirens and the cold hands of the paramedics. Cold hands all over his body, probing and poking. Yes, there had been screams, he remembered now—and the sound of sobbing.
Then the horrendous sound resurfaced, a sound that could be felt. It was a sound that had subsumed his whole being, wrapping itself around him, ripping through him. Then the sound of crunching metal, broken glass, and twisted carnage. What must have lasted only seconds seemed to him a long and troubling nightmare—then the dark, foggy void.
For the rest of the 12-page terrifying story, click here.
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Aside from the movie “The Exorcist,” this story has to be the most frightening
story I’ve ever read.
Should be required reading in all junior and senior Catechism classes and all
Catholic high schools and colleges.
I originally came across this article sometime in 2000 and immediately saved it
to disc. Forwarded to my older sister who was pretty shook up after reading it.
Still haunts me to this day, but makes me pray more when I have a memory of
this article.
Bud Mulqueeney
Quincy, MA.
Hi Steve,
I like your new website! I’m listening to you on Open line at Catholic Answers Live – you are answering questions from non-catholics. You are very calm and understanding. That is such a beautiful witness to our true faith – The Catholic Church – where we don’t have to feel worried or insecure.
I’m a convert and in RCIA and I can’t wait to belong to the Church. I read everything and study everything…it’s like I’ve been starved for truth in my Protestant life…but most of all starved for the true food which is the nourishment of Christ Himself in the Eucharist!
My husband and I are both so excited and I can’t believe that he would be interested in going on a trip with you and Dr. Hahn to Europe. He loves to travel but not leave the U.S. He wants to go to Rome which is a miracle in itself!
I need to find out the cost and what is involved in the upcoming Rome and Assisi trip. I would be thrilled to be there!
May God bless you for all you do for the One true faith!
Oops I forgot to put my website/blog address. It’s getting an overhaul too!
Hello Teri
Welcome home to the Church! Glad to have you join us. Also, thanks for your kind words about the show on Catholic Answers Live.
If you want more info on the trip to Rome we will have the brochure up soon. If you want info right away you can call Suzanne at 800-727-1999, ext. 121. She handles all the inquiries and registrations.
Thanks again for writing and give my greetings to your good husband too!
I was talking with my beloved yesterday and said that I wanted to do a few things in my life to give greater glory to God. I mentioned giving up something that I like to do, and my husband, a God fearing man said that God would want me to have a good time, too. I said that I think God is trying to open a door for me (or I said something to that effect – I was really distracted). My husband is a great guy, and we have been our journey of reconversion for 8 years now.
Thankfully I was on Facebook looking at a post from a faithful Catholic and I read this for the first time (but accidentally downloaded the story twice) I cried. I pray that my mom who was in a coma felt the peace of the Lord. I pray that my family will feel the peace of the Lord when their time comes and I hope that I am ready for when the Lord calls me home. For the first time I feel like I cried not because of the fear of hell, but because I hurt the one I should love the most, the Lord, our God.
I am going to print this for my boys, 18 & 13, and of course my husband will read this. I want to share your story with everyone. I know the Lord wanted me to read it, now I need to pray and do something! God bless you.
Your sister in Christ,
San Antonio, TX
It’s a very scary reality. I’ve read true stories of people who have had a near-death experience and have seen hell. These stories have had a deep impact in my life, I’m scared and don’t want to go there. And I pray with such sadness and plead God, Our heavenly Mother and the saints for the salvation of my children, who follow the ways of the world. I can’t fathom anyone, even an enemy going to hell. I say a rosary many times for those on the brink of death that they repent.
My heart revolted towards the last pages that I was almost sobbing. I could almost feel the pain of the Person who’s face was drenched with tears as He gazed on the man. I bet He would’ve wanted to hug him. I could almost see the sad faces of the angels, that after all the battles they fought for the man, in the end, they would lose him. I cannot fathom the pain that the Father must have felt losing His child in front of Him and He was cannot do anything. It is a very sad truth indeed as it is happening every millisecond in our time and space. If only God can take back our will so that we’ll be perfect like angels and end up to be with Him for all eternity. But it is what makes us His masterpiece. I just pray that all people on earth will always be hidden under Mama Mary’s mantle that we may all be hidden from the snares of the enemy. So that when its our time to enter the celestial court and gaze upon His beauty, we are to be found worthy. May God bless us all!
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