The Beginning of the End of the Abortion Industry?

Over the past five years, growing numbers of US abortion workers have left the industry.

 By Tim Drake 

For former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, the turning point came when she was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion.

“Abortions are typically performed blind,” explained Johnson, who served as health director for Planned Parenthood in College Station, Texas. “The doctor takes the suction instrument and probes until he thinks he’s gotten everything.”

 On this particular day in the fall of 2009, “the visiting physician wanted to use an ultrasound as a teaching tool to show us what an abortion looked like,” recalled Johnson. “I was excited about the prospect of learning something new. My job, during the procedure, was to hold the ultrasound probe on the patient’s abdomen.”

 What Johnson saw on-screen would forever change her life.

 Read “The Beginning of the End of the Abortion Industry?
