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Sunrise on the Sea of Galilee

Mary Dumont has a way with words – expressing her soul and experiences. She traveled with us recently to the Holy Land and posted her brief and delightful reflections on our pilgrimage.

“So much has occurred since my last writing, so I have much to share in catching up.  For a period of nine glorious days – November 14th through November 23rd – I had the dream of a lifetime realized: a trip to the Holy Lands !  For over 20 years I had prayed about this, hoping that it was the Lord who was putting this dream upon my heart.  Then in early spring of 2015 the doors opened up for me to book a trip, and in November I was able to go with my very dear friend, Janice, on pilgrimage.  Joining 54 other travelers, we joined up with Steve and Janet Ray, and Jesse and Anita Romero, to journey into the very sacred places where Jesus walked, preached, fished, ate, died and then rose again during His precious 33 years among humanity, (www.footprintsofGodpilgrimages.com). 

“O, where to begin…

“The scene to the right is the view we had from our balcony at the Ron Beach Hotel in Tiberias.  This shot is the magnificent sunrise which greeted us upon the Sea of Galilee the first full morning we were there.  I found myself just standing there in awe for the longest time – taking in the sound of the water lapping upon the shore, and the smell of its glorious breeze which still held the warmth of summer temperatures even in mid-November.   

“It would take me pages and pages to re-create the travels of our journey, but I feel compelled to at least share with you many of the highlights.  

“For nine amazing days, we were pilgrims in every sense of the word, traveling to the most profound sites and scenes that every child of God would be privileged to lay eyes on … “

For the rest of the story click here…
