Super Bowl Rejects ProLife Ad

David Putman writes, “Please go to this website right now and view the commercial NBC will not air during Sunday’s Super Bowl, yet they are supporting Pedigree’s pet adoption drive.  They also has no problem with the PETA ad even though it is very political. There is major cognitive dissonance contained in this decision as well as within folks’ minds who continue to live their lives in “duh-ville”.
NBC refuses to air pro-life ad for Super Bowl broadcast
The NBC television network has rejected a Catholic group’s bid to air the popular pro-life ad, “Life: Imagine the Potential,” during this Sunday’s Super Bowl broadcast. Network executives explained that their standards bar advertisements involving “political advocacy or issues.” But Brian Burch, president of, the group that produced the ad, noted that NBC has accepted an ad from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, another advocacy group.
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