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It is 8:00 AM on Guam. As they say, “In the United States the day begins in Guam.” This island is a territory of the United States and it is here where the day begins. While it 8 AM Sunday right now, but back in my home state of Michigan it is still yesterday —  it is 5:00 PM Saturday evening. Getting used to the time change takes a few dizzy, weary days.

Yesterday we landed to 85 degrees with high humidity and rain. The Archbishop again met us at the airport and took us to the Hilton Hotel which is where we are staying. We do not charge for our time here or in the Philippines, but they do take good care of us and make sure we have plenty of authentic Guamarian food to eat. The greeting here is “Hafa Adai!” which is the equivilent of “Hello“ or “Good Day”.

My talk last night was well received. After Mass today, I speak again at the Cathedral. The topic is “Raising a Catholic Family.” They have a lot of other activities planned for us, but many things I learn on the fly! Great folks: Archbishop Tony, Sister Marian, John, Pale (Fr.) Mike, Tim Rohr, Chuck White,  Tony and many others.

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Tim Rohr was inspired after our last visit and decided to open a Catholic bookstore in the large Agana Mall. He said I was the “co-founder“ of the store. It is called “John Paul the Great Catholic Books & Gifts” and he has already done a booming business. Can you believe that Guam is over 80% Catholic and this is the first Catholic bookstore!

We visited his store and took a short tour. People from the cults and sects drop by and sarcastically say things against the Catholic Church. Tim's kids all work in the store and have become quite good at apologetics. This is a marvelous family and I am glad to count them as friends.

I did not bring any books or DVDs to sell here — rather, I am encouraging people to buy things from his store. If you are a Catholic living on Guam — please do everything you can to support Tim and his store! This is a great blessing and a work of the Holy Spirit.

Well, we're off to Mass so I will try to update the blog again soon. Please keep us in your prayers that we would be effective and bring glory to God.

Later update:

I sure love it when I have a good internet connection when away from home. We went to a very reverent Mass with an excellent and humourous priest. Then I gave me 2nd major talk while here — “Raising a Catholic Family”. It seemed to go very well and Janet came up to join me for the Q & A afterwards. Whenever she gets in front of the microphone I wonder what I'm doing her. She is quiet but sure is profound and rich in the faith.

Now we get a few minutes to walk on the beach, have dinner and then I write my talk for tomorrow. It is to be presented to the clergy and religious and the topic is “Developing our Spiritual Lives.” I feel a bit inadequate to give such a talk to the group, but I will ask God to bless me. Then we are off to the Philippines and will spend the night in Manila before flying early in the morning to Cebu.
