Steve Ray's New Book: Faith for Beginners

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Steve's long-awaited new book has been released. Faith For Beginners: Understanding the Creeds in the Catholic Answers Beginner Series written with Dennis Walters.

The Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds are prayers most Catholics take for granted. We pray them by rote when we say the Rosary or go to Mass—often without thinking about, fully understanding, or even truly believing what we’re saying.

And providing you with this understanding is what The Faith for Beginners is all about. It’s a fascinating romp through the history of the Creed, closely examining what we believe and why—with references to Scripture, the Church Fathers, and Church Councils.

Here’s some more of what you’ll discover in the pages of The Faith for Beginners:

  • Where the word “creed” comes from and what it means
  • Why the Catholic Church has a Creed—when many other religions don’t, and seem to get along just fine without them
  • Four crucial functions served by the Creed
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    Why the Creed was so vital to the building of the Church
  • Seven common modern objections to the Creed—and how to answer each one

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For Steve's 32 page booklet on the Creeds, click here.

For Steve's web store, click here.
