In Preparation for Sean Herriott’s show on Relevant Radio today

To listen over the internet, click here

Steve’s article in THIS ROCK Magazine
“Should Catholics Attend ‘Ecumenical’ Bible Studies

My article Should Catholics go to Non-Denominational Bible Studies? appears in the January 2007 issue of THIS ROCK Magazine. In the article I recommend another article I wrote entitled  How To Start A Parish Bible Study. In addition, here are a load of other Bible Study resources–click here and here.
Logos Bible Software for Catholics!

How To Start a Parish Bible Study
beginning of Steve’s article

“The Bible is so thick and confusing. Mary dusted off the big book and tried reading it several months ago, but she thought it would be a huge help if she could find a good Catholic Bible study—a class where Catholics could study the Bible together.
“Mary visited a popular Bible study in town, but was humiliated when answering a question. The study focused on a verse in St. John’s Gospel. Jesus had said, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” After reading this passage the teacher asked, “OK, what does this verse mean to you?”
‘Mary excitedly raised her hand—she knew that answer for that one! She said that Jesus was talking about the Eucharist, the Real Presence of Christ. The room fell silent. Then there were a few snickers and a few women even gasped. Then group grew uncomfortably quiet and everyone looked at the teacher….”
To read the whole article, click here.

***** For the best Catholic Scripture Study program for groups in English or Spanish, visit CatholicScriptureStudy or call 1-866-887-2774. This is an easy do-it-yourself Parish Bible Study program. The studies are written by myself, Scott Hahn and Mark Shea.*****

Join a REAL Catholic Bible Study in your area, or start your own with
I write the studies!

For Steve’s Catholic Bible Study
St. John’s Gospel: A Bible Study Guide & Commentary

I also suggest you take a look at my:
Questions for ‘Bible Christians‘ ”
and Is This A Real Catholic Bible Study?
and Can Bible Translations have Protestant Bias?
and Why We Need the Church for Bible Study
and You Can Join our Ecumentical Bible Study, but Catholics — Sshhhhh!
