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Sure sounds politically incorrect, eh?
But in Spain – especially at Santiago de Compostela – a city dedicated to St. James – that is a popular title of St. James, one of Our Lord’s twelve apostles.
Spain has had a rough history with Muslims invading their land. They fought back and eventually pushed the Muslim Moors back into northern Africa. The tradition states that he appeared to help in the battle and was thus called the “Slayer of Moors (Muslims)
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As the patron saint of Spain, St. James was given the title: Slayer of Muslims. Maybe they know something that we have forgotten, or maybe they know something we should learn?  Remember the battle of Lepanto ?
You will enjoy this article on Catholic World Report:

Europe, Islam, and St James the Moor-slayer

and this one by the Hungarian Archbishop:

Hungarian Archbishop warns Europe Migration Crisis Fueled by Muslims Will to Conquer


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Linda Sierra

    Steve, We’ve traveled with you before. Being from Texas, I always wondered where the name of a town at the mouth of the Rio Grande came from, Matamoros. Then recently, I also read St James’ nickname in Spanish is “Matamoros” or “Slayer of the Moors”.

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