[Family, friends and well-widgets: please leave greetings and comments below and I’ll read them daily on the bus]

Their flights arrived on time and all stepped off the plane a bit tired but enthusiastic and ready to go. We got them up to Galilee for a fine dinner and Mass on the shore of Galilee.

I hope you enjoy the videos. The first is the arrival and all the excitement of being in the Holy Land and driving north to Galilee. The second in Msgr. Droll’s first homily given right on the shore of Galilee with huge waves crashing in.

Msgr. Droll’s first Holy Land pilgrimage homily given on the wave-tossed Sea of Galilee. What a great opening homily!



This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Julie Schram

    Dear Pilgrims,
    I watched your day one video. I am so excited for you. I know what a great adventure you are about to begin. You will all be in my prayers. Please say a few for me,
    Sept 2013 Holy Land Pilgrim

  2. Shay

    Dear Judy & Bob Duke,
    It is so cool to be watching the progress of your trip; seeing you renewing your vows brought tears to my eyes! I know you are having an awesome time and there is still so much to experience. You are in my prayers. Blessings to you both, and to all your fellow pilgrims as your make this incredible journey together.
    Love & Hugs, Shay

  3. Mike Zeese

    Karen and Sis,
    Great to witness you guys on your daily journeys. Looks to be a beautiful area to be in. Pat and I are keeping you and your new found traveling friends in our prayers.
    Bless you guys!
    Mike and Pat

  4. Amanda Guebara

    Hello dear friends,
    The fourth grade students are so amazed by your adventure. The mass held on the Sea of Galilee was breath taking. We will continue to watch and pray for you in this once in a lifetime opportunity. We love you, and wish for a safe journey and safe return.
    Mrs. Guebara

  5. Alice

    Judith & Joan,
    WOW is about all I can say! So good to see you and know what a wonderful time you must be having. Msgr. Droll, it was good to see and hear you as well. Have a blessed rest of the pilgrimage.
    Love, Alice

  6. Alice

    Judith & Joan,
    WOW is about all I can say. It is amazing to be able to see you having such a good time. Msrg. Droll , I am so excited to be able to see and hear you as well. God Bless the rest of your Pilgrimage.

  7. Anne Oberhelman

    Dear Pat and Tom,
    Ii have enjoyed watching the videos of your journey, seeing you renew your vows was especially emotional and moving. Thank you for sharing the pilgrimage videos and info with me… You are in my prayers and looking forward to seeing you when you return. Love you!
    Your sister…..Anne

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