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Bravo President Trump, the most pro-life president ever, at least since the legalization of abortion in America! What a turn of events from Obama!

The Pro-life movement is winning in America. We are changing the hearts and minds of people, especially young people.

Here is President Trump’s whole speech – eight of my grandkids were there to listen and partake in the rally!

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(Pictures: Three of our five grandkids in Washington DC for the March for Life)

Our daughter Cindy & Family at March for Life!
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Our daughter Cindy & Family at March for Life!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thomas M Govern

    Despite his faults and hopefully because of them, let's shut down abortion and stand for religious rights.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Why is it that anyone who says anything nice about President Trump feels they have to first point out his “weaknesses and faults”? I don’t know of any other leader or other person that we feel it necessary to do that for. Why not just say President Trump did a great thing today?

  2. Thomas M Govern

    I did not see Steve's comment right away but I want to be clear. I definitely support President Trump. I like the fact that he keeps his promises and is not afraid to let people know what he thinks. Still, I believe that he could even be more effective if he improved his Presidential deportment. He could pick up at least 10% in approval poles just by being less snarky and a bit more respectful. His base will not leave him and more independents will support him.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t think I can argue with your clarification 🙂

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