From my friend Rod Bennett:

"Just want to notify you guys of a truly great event in the history of TV, happening tonight at 8PM EST (7 CST, 5 on the left coast). It's Marcus Grodi's The Journey Home program on EWTN featuring my good friend and role model Mrs. Leona Choy!

"Despite her last name, Leona is not Chinese but her husband Ted was and the two of them spent 40 years together as Evangelical missionaries to China. I met her about three years ago at the Journey Home conference in Cleveland, Ohio where she shocked and delighted me by crediting my book Four Witnesses as one of the big factors in her ongoing journey toward the Catholic Faith. I was further delighted a year or so later by watching her confirmed as a Catholic (age 79!) at the Great Vigil of Easter 2005. One of the biggest blessings of my life and my favorite benefit so far from having written Four Witnesses!

"Well, Leona tells her story much better than I can so I'm encouraging everyone to tune into EWTN tonight and hear one of the most amazing of these latter-day Protestant conversion stories. We Bennetts are leaving in just a few minutes for the short drive across to Birmingham; we want to be there to show Leona around and to support her tonight as part of the live studio audience. Hope you can make it as well–let me tell you, she will bless you like nothing you've ever seen!"

For more info on The Journey Home and the TV and Radio schedules, or to find copies or archived shows, click here.
