Fr. Alfonso Aguilar is on his way to pick us up. He is a jovial and orthodox priest and also a writer for the National Catholic Register. He is also the head of the Philosophy Department at the Legionaries’ Regina Apostolorum University in Rome.
That brings me to the Sea of Black. I will be standing in front of a large auditorium of priests and seminarians all dressed in their priestly black. A little nervous? What do you think? These are scholarly academics and I’ve only graduated from the school of hard-knocks — the experience of fighting my way from Baptist to Catholic.
One week ago I stood in the ancient synagogue in Capernaum and argued in defense of the Eucharist. I will do the same today — in my khaki cargo pants travel shirt and vest.
My talk is entitled “Why the Flesh Profits Nothing” from John’s Gospel, chapter 6. I gave my conversion story at the university last year and I look forward to sharing the faith with these finest of men again. More later.
Speaking to a Sea of Black
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