We had a great day visiting the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). Fr. Courtney presided and gave a rousing homily that won’t be soon forgotten!
We drove north to the Lebanon border to visit Banias which was the Caesarea Philippi of old and where Jesus said to Simon Peter, “You are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church” (Matthew 16). I gave a favorite talk here “Peter, the Rock, the Keys & the Chair.”
We then drove along the Syrian border through the Golan Heights, looking over the border. We had had a great lunch at a Druze Restaurant. We then went to the Primacy of Peter Church on the shore of Galilee where Jesus fed the disciples at a charcoal fire in John 21. I gave another one of my favorite talks at the Primacy of Peter.
Everyone then had a few hours free before we went to our favorite restaurant in Israel — Aberge Shulamit where everyone had a GREAT time with a delicious three-hour dinner with the best Israeli wines and a fine cuisine. (See second video below.)
We had a comedy club on the buses on the way home. Everyone is now in bed resting up for a great day tomorrow on the Sea of Galilee and our trip south (up) to Jerusalem. Videos will be caught up tomorrow, Lord willing!
