Sorry I’ve fallen behind on my blog but time is very limited and I’ve not had Internet access readily available. I’ve been limited to my iPhone.
We have been giving 2 to 3 talks a day of 2-3 hours each. Exhausting and not leaving a lot of time for getting to Internet access to update my website. But we finally get back home on Friday (after over a month away here and in Australia) and will get caught up!
You can see a lot of what we are doing and pictures on Facebook at
and on Twitter at
I can update these easy with my iPhone and other people here are adding pictures and comments too.
We are having a very productive time here teaching the Bible and the Catholic Faith and helping the Filipinos to defend the faith while supporting local apologetics groups. We are giving an 8 hour (over three evenings) over view of salvation history while speaking at high schools and colleges during the day.
I am still getting in my daily runs to keep up with the keep up with the plan of my son Jesse and I to run 1,000 miles this. Our chart is on my Home Page at Fun Stuff.
More soon!
