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We’ve just learned that Obama has appointed Tom Daschle to head Washington’s Health and Human Services.
Here is a man whose bishop told him five years ago to stop calling himself a Catholic in good standing.
To read more visit Pro-abortion Catholic to head Dept. of Health and Human Services.
From Catholic World News:

Pro-abortion Catholic to head Dept. of Health and Human Services
President-elect Barack Obama yesterday selected former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota to become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. The former senator is a Catholic who is divorced and remarried outside the Church, and a supporter of legalized abortion. Saginaw (Michigan) Bishop Robert Carlson, then head of the South Dakota Diocese of Sioux Falls, asked Sen. Daschle in 2003 to stop referring to himself in congressional publications as a Catholic in good standing. Speaking in the Senate, the senator denounced the bishop as ‘more identified with the radical right than with thoughtful religious leadership.’

Jay Leno joked:
Obama spent his first day as president-elect by assembling his transition team…
And if you believe MSNBC, by tomorrow, he will have chosen all twelve of his disciples.
