Should Catholics Attend Protestant Bible Studies? NO!

For Readers of THIS ROCK Magazine
Steve's Article "Should Catholics Attend 'Ecumenical' Bible Studies"

This topic will be discussed on:

Relevant Radio's Morning Air (Jan. 17)

EWTN's Catholic Answers Live (Jan. 17)
Listen now on Real Audio

Relevant Radio's Searching the Word (Jan. 24, 1 PM EST)

Ave Maria Radio's Catholic Connections (Jan. 30)

Morning Air on Relevant Radio, Part II (Feb 28)

Searching the Word on Relevant Radio,  Part II (Jan. 24)

My new article Should Catholics go to Non-Denominational Bible Studies? appears in the January 2007 issue of THIS ROCK Magazine. In the article I recommend another article I wrote entitled  How To Start A Parish Bible Study. In addition, here are a load of other Bible Study resources–click here and here.

For Steve's Catholic Bible Study "St. John's Gospel: A Bible Study Guide & Commentary"

I also suggest you take a look at my:
Questions for 'Bible Christians' "
and Is This A Real Catholic Bible Study?
and Can Bible Translations have Protestant Bias?
and Why We Need the Church for Bible Study

For the best Catholic Scripture Study program for groups, visit CatholicScriptureStudy. This is an easy do-it-yourself Parish Bible Study program in English or Spanish. The studies are written by myself, Scott Hahn and Mark Shea.  Also check out Jeff Cavin's Catholic Bible Study for parishes at
