Busy day today in Jericho, the Jordan Valley and the birthplace of Elisha the prophet (Abel-Mahola). We were in a restricted military zone, with landmine signs and electric fences. Got all our filming just in time before the military pulled in and surrounded us with five vehicles and told us to leave with M-16s all in their hands.

Below is a picture of how we found a Bedouin flagging us down asking for water so we pulled over and gave him some cold water and he let us use his donkey for some important scenes. Then to the Spring of Elisha where I was up to my knees in the water – not bad since it was over 110 degrees down here!

Below that you can see me laying in layers of sheep dung as I portray Elijah despondent under a Broom Tree asking God to kill him. And yeah, that is me driving the tractor in the Jordan Valley but you will have to wait to see the movie to know why.

Miracles and answers to prayer are amazing when you step out in faith determined to obey God and tell the story. What an amazing adventure. Can’t wait to share Elijah & Elisha with the world. NOTHING like this has ever been done before.

Joe Reynolds, owner of Skyline Video and his crew are AMAZING! They are quick and professional and can adapt on the fly. There is no video crew better than these guys. And thanks to Mark Brumley and Tony Ryan of Ignatius Press who are are making all of this possible. And thanks to the incredible Amer Shehadeh of BesTours who is the most incredible agent, guide, driver and friend imaginable. None of this could be done with out him and his genius.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tom Govern

    Who is that great looking gal between all the guys??

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