BY BEN JOHNSONAbortion DeathsFox NewsKermit GosnellMedia Bias

 WASHINGTON, D.C., April 25, 2013 ( – The name of the upcoming Fox News one-hour documentary has been revealed. “See No Evil – The Kermit Gosnell Murders” will air on Sunday, May 5 at 9 p.m. EDT on Fox News.
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The scheduled documentary will be the most in-depth coverage the “house of horrors” murder trial has yet to receive on a major news network. 

(Archbishop Chaput on the Gosnell Trial, click HERE.

Gosnell, an abortionist who began performing abortions in the early 1970s, is on trial for murdering four newborn babies by snipping their spinal column with scissors as a form of “abortion.”

He faces another third-degree murder charge for the death of a 41-year-old immigrant from Bhutan who died after receiving anesthesia from an untrained assistant.

Many of the babies Gosnell “snipped” were beyond 24 weeks of development, making it illegal under Pennsylvania law for him to abort them under any circumstances. In all, Gosnell stands faces more than 380 charges.

Gosnell’s fate could be decided by the time Fox broadcasts the program. His defense lawyer, Jack McMahon, rested yesterday without calling a single witness, including the abortionist himself. “Defense rests,” he said tersely, according to eyewitnesses. They add that McMahon continually had to correct himself when he referred to Gosnell’s victims as “infants.”

To read the whole article, click HERE.
