I just received this:

Son Jong Nam has been in prison and tortured severely for years just for being a Christian.  His wife was kicked in the stomach when 8 months pregnant.  She miscarried.  She later died.  Son Jong Nam is now on death row awaiting execution.

Unfortunately, many other Christians are facing severe persecution in North Korea.  They are sent to concentration camps which are said to be as bad or worse than those in Nazi Germany.  There they are starved, tortured, beaten and worked to death. 

The country is ruled by a madman, Kim Jong Il.  Almost 10% of the population has died or been killed in the last 15 years due to his ineptitude or oppression. 

Here’s a substantial act you can do for this brother in Christ suffering severe persecution:  Write to him.  These letters have been effective in securing release for persecuted Christians, and, at a minimum, give comfort and usually result in improved conditions. 

This website will allow you to compose a letter in Korean (be sure to remove the web link before printing by going to page setup and deleting headers and footers, because this can cause trouble): http://www.prisoneralert.com/qry/vp_writeletter.taf?pfilid=176&_UserReference=7F4BB641CD872E18469A8FDA&_nc=5f78cab8e226866bc9195279a3ab7801

Additional letter writing tips:  http://www.prisoneralert.com/vompw_writing.htm The letter will be sent via the North Korean Mission at the United Nations, so only regular postage is needed. 

In addition to writing, pray for him and his family. Don’t be lazy.  Help a hurting brother in the Body of Christ, in whose Body you are also a member.  What if this were you?  Or one of your family members?

More info can be found at these sites: http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/192460.aspx , http://www.prisoneralert.com
