Sailing Galilee, Mass at Capernaum, eating St. Peter’s Fish, Visitation…

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Today was a big day because we leave Galilee and head to Jerusalem. But first we saw the ancient boat from the time of Christ, then we had Mass at Capernaum where Jesus said, “Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood” where I gave my talk “Defending the Eucharist”. For Fr. Vasek’s great homily, click HERE.

Then we ate St. Peters Fish at our favorite restaurant here for lunch. I told my conversion story on both buses on the way to Jerusalem.

We stopped at the Church of Visitation and I reminded people that Mary had walked all that way to visit her relatives Elizabeth, which was about 100 miles.

Arrived at the Notre Dame Center, had a great meal and then to bed. Enjoy the video and we will see you in Bethlehem tomorrow.
