UPDATE 11-16-10: Wow! I just passed the 1,000 mile mark in Rome. See the blog with maps, photos, and videos.
UPDATE 4-16-10: I just passed the 400 mile mark with an 8.4 mile run through Jerusalem! My son Jesse is right behind me. We are having fun racing against the chart.
ORIGINAL POST: At the end of 2008 the doctor told me I was on track to never see my grandkids grow up. He gave me pills to take for cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose. I said, “Nope, I am going to do this the right way — with a change of diet and exercise.”
So I started a new lifestyle with a “homemade program” which really worked (described here). Starting January 1, 2009 I began to “heal myself” with food and exercise. My whole family joined the fun!
I lost 30 pounds. Cholesterol dropped to normal healthy levels. Blood pressure and glucose dropped to normal too.

Then on November 27, 2010 my son Jesse and I decided to run 1,000 miles in one year — and to ride our bikes 1,000 miles in a year. You can follow our progress with the chart to the right which is updated daily.
We are on track with running! But we can’t ride bikes in the winter in Michigan (got catching up to do this summer)!
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We update this chart daily so you can track our progress. Plus you can check out all the different places I have run around the world with lots of pictures here at EveryTrail.

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